Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Year of 2015

Started the year in Saskatoon in -30 °C. It was an extreme change from Singapore's 30 °C but an incredible experience that I continue to talk about today whenever people ask about my iekchange.
Also had my first skiing experience @ Table Mountain. I fell in love with skiing from the very first hour (I can't say minute even if I wanted to), maybe it's the way it feels so natural and liberating or maybe I just love the snow.
Had my very first party experience overseas @ 302, Saskatoon.

Had my very first round dance experience and I really love the feeling of immersing yourself in another culture, especially when you see the faces of those who really enjoyed the dance.

The night sky in Canada was breathtaking, and I can never forget the moment we got off the car and saw this sight.

This was the view from the hostel we were staying in, it was really a "cabin in the woods" experience and really a great one even though there was no wifi in the hostel (perhaps it is a good thing after all).
Saw the northern lights for the first time. (taken with iPhone thus the poor quality)
Calgary. Climbed on this face sculpture and was just in time to take this photo before the security guard came.
School trip and Ice hockey-ing
Also went x-country skiing which is so different and kinda much easier than the usual skiing. Loved it nonetheless.
Also, had my face in one of the school exhibitions showing women of different colour. Like hi, being Chinese is exotic over there.

Saw Adam Levine and Magic! for the first time when I went for the Maroon 5 concert in Saskatoon.
In a Tipi for the first time.

Sat in a U.S style school bus.

Saw the northern lights again (and again), still very much in love with it.
Fell very much in love with Mexican food.
Left Saskatoon with a heavy heart, even though I missed home, Saskatoon has already established a place within me.
Visited the States for the first time. (check out the cool "Little Free Library")
Hello Seattle
Beverly Hills.
Santa Monica.
Six Flags, making every other theme park look boring.
Mojave desert.

The Arch.
Four Wonders.

Skydiving for the first time (and def not the last!!)
San Francisco Bridge
Las Vegas
Started my internship as soon as I got back to SG in DBS.

Voted for the first time for 2015 SG General Election.

Went to Batam to celebrate Recess Week.
Celebrated my birthday with 2 presentations and 1 quiz.
Christmas Wonderland at Gardens by the Bay.
 Joined Hall Dance Ohmelette for the first time.
 Countdown Christmas (the last one in hall) with this bunch.
 Orchard Christmas with Siewbae
Also, I passed my TP Driving exam with 18 demerit points and was happy beyond words!
(Best way to end the year imo)
Countdown of the new year @ Siloso Beach Party (where I worked the entire night away and was so tired but the fireworks were so awesum possum no regrets).

Didn't realize how w-o-w this 2015 was until this post, but I can't say this is the best year.. The second half of 2015 was one of the most stressful period ever. Placed a lot of pressure on myself but just really glad I pulled through stronger.

Hello 2016 :)